Our Mission
The vision for Grace Alive Ministries is to REACH, TEACH, & UNLEASH. Reach the unchurched with the love of God, Teach them the love of God, and Unleash them to share the love of God. “By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.” (John 13:35)
Our Vision
We envision sharing the Love of Christ to multitudes of un-churched people and bringing them into fellowship and relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ”.
We envision a church impacting our community through involvement, programs and assistance.
We envision helping our people to discover, accept and operate in their divine purpose as it relates to servitude to the Body of Christ.
We envision establishing mission churches birthed from this establishment to further propagate the Gospel of Jesus to needed geographical areas.
We envision providing a fully functioning Christian Education program that will equip the people with the knowledge of the Word of God so that they may be “…Approved unto God a workman that needeth not to be ashamed…” (II Timothy 2:15).
We envision a company of believers who fully understand and embrace the title and position of the body of Christ (the anointed one and his anointing) and work in the kingdom as the body of the anointing.
Our Values
Christ Centered, Bible Based, Spirit Led, All Things Through Faith, Integrity without compromise, Commitment to Excellence, Community Focused, Discipleship
Our Values
Christ Centered, Bible Based, Spirit Led, All Things Through Faith, Integrity without compromise, Commitment to Excellence, Community Focused, Discipleship